The Kinopio API is used to find, save, and update the spaces of signed up users. You can use it to make cool things too.
Use of the API is subject to the Use Restrictions Policy.
Kinopio uses token-based authentication using your user apiKey
. You can get your apiKey in the app through User → Settings → Account → Developer Info
🙈 Your API key carries the same privileges as your user account, so be sure to keep it secret!
Use your apiKey in the Authorization
header of each request.
(For testing, you can also use a query string (?apiKey=
) but this is less secure and not recommended)
Rate Limits
The API is limited to 5 requests per second. If you exceed this rate, you will receive a 429
response and will need to wait 30 seconds before subsequent requests will succeed.
https://api.kinopio.club is the base path for all routes
Method | Name | Description | Auth |
/ |
Confirm that the API server is online | None |
Users are representations of any account on Kinopio. Users are created by the server when they sign up.
User Routes
Routes with Auth as apiKey
mean that the Authorization header apiKey must match the requested user.
Method | Path | Description | Auth |
/user/public/:userId |
Gets public info on a user | None |
/user/public/explore-spaces/:userId |
The a list of spaces with showInExplore: true created by the user |
None |
/user/public/multiple |
Gets public info for multiple userIds specified in a comma seperated query string (?userIds=userId_abc,userId_xyz ) |
None |
/user |
Get all info on the authenticating user | apiKey |
/user/favorite-spaces |
Get favorite spaces for the authenticating user. Favorited spaces which have unread updates will have isEdited: true |
apiKey |
/user/favorite-users |
Get favorite users for the authenticating user | apiKey |
/user/favorite-colors |
Get favorite colors for the authenticating user | apiKey |
/user/ai-images |
Gets a list of image urls and prompts for AI images generated by the user. Use ?limit=100 to adjust max number of returned results |
apiKey |
/user/spaces |
Get a list of the user's Spaces. Use /user/group-spaces for spaces created by other members of groups they belong to |
apiKey |
/user/group-spaces |
Get a list of the user's group Spaces created by other members of groups they belong to | apiKey |
/user/removed-spaces |
Get Spaces removed by the authenticating user | apiKey |
/user/inbox-space |
Get info on the user's Inbox space. whether a space is an inbox or not is based on name only, so it's possible to have multiple Inbox spaces, but only one the most recently updated Inbox will be returned |
apiKey |
/user/tags |
Get a list of the last edited Tags in your spaces | apiKey |
/user |
Update the authenticating user(s) based on an object body with user attributes. You can't patch apiKey , password , emailIsVerified , or email |
apiKey |
User Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id |
String |
The unique ID of the user. Is not user updateable |
apiKey |
Used in Authentication headers to make API calls as the currentUser. Generated and returned only when user signs up or in. Is not user updateable |
cardsCreatedCount |
Integer |
The number of cards the user has created if they're not a paid user, used to enforce the free user limit. Is not user updatable. |
cardsCreatedCountRaw |
Integer |
Similar to cardsCreatedCount except the raw version increments even if your're a free user on a paid user space. This is a vanity metric and is not used to enforce free user limits. |
cardSettingsDefaultCharacterLimit |
Integer |
The max number of characters you can enter in a card. Either 300 (default) or 4000 (max). Constrained character limits are meant to encourage using cards to represent single ideas. But this override exists for those who don't want that. |
cardSettingsMaxCardWidth |
Integer |
When the user creates cards, those cards will set card.maxWidth from this property. Sets the maximum default length of a card before it starts wrapping |
cardSettingsShiftEnterShouldAddChildCard |
Boolean |
The number of cards the user has created if they're not a paid user, used to enforce the free user limit. Is not user updatable. |
color |
String |
User color changes your paint stroke and default avatar color |
createdAt |
String |
The date when the user was created |
creditsEarned |
Integer |
The number of $ credits earned by referring or inviting new users to Kinopio. Is not user updateable |
creditsUsed |
Integer |
The number of $ credits subtracted from your payments so far. Is not user updateable |
defaultCardBackgroundColor |
String |
User preference for a default background color to use for new cards |
defaultSpaceBackground |
String |
User preference for a default background url to use for new spaces. This becomes null if defaultSpaceBackgroundGradient is set. |
defaultSpaceBackgroundGradient |
User preference for the default background gradient to use for new spaces. This becomes null if defaultSpaceBackground is set. |
defaultSpaceBackgroundTint |
String |
User preference for a default background color used to tint new spaces |
defaultConnectionControlPoint |
String |
User preference for the default control point for new connections. null makes a curved path, q00,00 makes a straight line |
description |
String |
A description of this particular user |
email |
String |
The unique email address of the user required to create an account |
emailIsVerified |
Boolean |
Whether the user has verified their email address |
filterShowAbsoluteDates |
Boolean |
Whether card dates are displayed as absolute (false is default relative) |
filterComments |
Boolean |
Whether comment cards are hidden to the user |
filterShowDateUpdated |
Boolean |
Whether the user has has toggled the card date filter |
filterShowUsers |
Boolean |
Whether the user has has toggled the card user filter |
isAmbassador |
Boolean |
Whether the user is in the friends of kinopio ambassador program. Is not user updatable. |
isDonor |
Boolean |
Whether the user has donated to Kinopio. Is not user updatable. |
isModerator |
Boolean |
Whether the user is a moderator of the community forums or discord. Is not user updatable. |
isUpgraded |
Boolean |
Whether the user currently has a paid subscription. Is not user updatable. |
lastReadNewStuffId |
String |
The id of the last read article from the 'new stuff' newsfeed |
lastUsedImagePickerService |
String |
The user's last used image picker service, is either stickers , gifs , bing , backgrounds , recent , ai |
lastSidebarSection |
String |
The shortname of the sidebar section last viewed. Can be text , stats , AIImages , inbox , removed , links , favorites , history , minimap , or tags . Defaults to text . |
lastSpaceId |
String |
The spaceId of the last space edited. Used to return you to the same space the next time you visit kinopio.club |
name |
String |
The unique name of the user. Is a url-safe string (no spaces or special characters) because it's also used for url slugs |
prevHeaderFontId |
Integer |
The id of the previous header font selected. Default value is 0 for Recoleta |
prevInviteEmails |
String |
The emails you last used when emailing space invites. Is private user info. |
shouldEmailBulletin |
Boolean |
Whether the user has chosen to allow bulletin emails (default to true) |
shouldEmailNotifications |
Boolean |
Whether the user has chosen to allow notification emails (default to true) |
shouldEmailWeeklyReview |
Boolean |
Whether the user has chosen to allow weekly review emails (default to true) |
shouldIncreaseUIContrast |
Boolean |
User preference for whether the header and footer buttons should not be translucent or transparent in any way |
shouldUseLastConnectionType |
Boolean |
Whether the user has chosen to use last connection type for new connections (default to true) |
shouldShowMoreAlignOptions |
Boolean |
Whether the user has chosen to view more card position alignment and distribution options (default to true) |
shouldShowCurrentSpaceTags |
Boolean |
Whether the user has chosen should only tags in the current space in the Tags dialog |
shouldShowItemActions |
Boolean |
Whether extra card formatting options (h1, h2, etc.) buttons are visible in the card details dialog |
shouldShowMultipleSelectedLineActions |
Boolean |
Whether extra connection formatting options (type, reverse, etc.) buttons are visible in the multiple selected items dialog |
shouldNotifyUnlockedStickyCards |
Boolean |
Whether to eventually notify users that they've unlocked sticky cards (true for new users only, triggered after they create 20 cards) |
shouldPauseConnectionDirections |
Boolean |
User pereference for whether connection directions should be static, instead of animating along their connection path |
shouldUseStickyCards |
Boolean |
User pereference for whether cards should stick to their mouse cursor |
shouldDisableRightClickToPan |
Boolean |
Debug user preference which disables right click pan so you can use the native browser context menu. Useful for web inspecting elements |
showInExploreUpdatedAt |
String |
When the user last opened the Explore dialog. Used to determine new/unread Explore spaces |
showItemActions |
Boolean |
Whether the user has chosen to show expanded options and info in both the card-details and multiple-selected-actions dialogs |
groups |
JSON Array |
The groups a user belongs to, including public metadata on the other users in each group |
updatedAt |
String |
The date when any changes to the user was made. Also is updated whenever the user starts a Kinopio session |
website |
String |
The user's website, url validity is not checked |
prevSettingsSection |
String |
The last used settings section. Can be general , controls , or cards |
outsideSpaceBackgroundIsStatic |
Boolean |
User preference for whether the outside space area should use dynamically cycling colors, or whether it should be static grey |
studentDiscountIsAvailable |
Boolean |
Whether the user is eligible for a student discount. Is not user updateable |
Spaces are where your Cards and Connections live.
Space Routes
Routes with Auth canViewSpace
or canEditSpace
requires that your Authorization apiKey belongs to a user with the permission to view or edit the space.
The closed
privacy state refers to Public Read Only
Method | Path | Description | Auth |
/space/:spaceId |
Get info on a space by id. Use ?textOnly=true for card names only |
canViewSpace |
/space/explore-spaces |
Get a list of recently updated public spaces which have been added to Explore. Sorted by date showInExploreUpdatedAt |
None |
/space/explore-spaces/feed.json |
RSS feed for new spaces added to Explore |
None |
/space/live-spaces |
Get a list of currently being edited spaces which are open or closed | None |
/space/:spaceId/ |
Get Cards removed in a space | canEditSpace |
/space/multiple?spaceIds=spaceId1,spaceId2 |
Get info on multiple spaces, up to 60 spaceIds at a time | canViewSpace |
/space/:spaceId/favorites |
Get a list of users who have favorited the spaceId | None |
/space/:spaceId/feed.json |
RSS feed for cards recently created or updated in a space. Use ?apiKey= for private spaces |
canViewSpace |
/space/inbox |
Get the current user's inbox space | apiKey |
/space/everyones-spaces |
Get a list of recent public spaces sorted by date createdAt |
None |
/space/everyones-spaces/feed.json |
RSS feed for recent public spaces |
None |
/space/date-image |
Get the image url for today's date card image | None |
/space |
Create a new space(s) from object(s) in request body. The owner will be the apiKey user | apiKey |
/space/search-explore-space |
Get all showInExplore spaces based on space name. Body object must contain query . Searches are not case-insensitive |
None |
/space |
Update space(s) from object(s) in request body | canEditSpace |
/space/restore |
Restore removed space(s) from object(s) in request body | canEditSpace |
/space |
Remove space(s) specified in request body | canEditSpace |
/space/permanent |
Permanently remove space(s) specified in request body | canEditSpace |
/space/collaborator |
Removes collaborator user from space. Request Body Keys: spaceId , userId |
canEditSpace |
Space Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id |
String |
The unique ID of the space. Is not user updateable |
background |
String |
The image url used by the space background |
backgroundIsGradient |
Boolean |
Whether the space background uses backgroundGradient (instead of the default background ) |
backgroundGradient |
An array of gradient layer data that's used to build the space background gradient. The gradients are layered and animated using the technique described by Shelby Wilson |
backgroundTint |
String |
The background color used to tint the space background |
boxes |
Array |
A list of Boxes in the space |
cards |
Array |
A list of Cards in the space |
collaboratorKey |
String |
Used like an apikey to allow editing, but just for that space. allows anonymous users who aren't signed in to edit a space. You can rotate this key, but you should still treat it as a secret |
collaborators |
Array |
A list of users that can also edit the space |
connectionTypes |
Array |
A list of Connection Types |
connections |
Array |
A list of Connections |
createdAt |
String |
The date when the space was created |
editedAt |
String |
The date when card contents in the space was last added or changed |
editedByUserId |
String |
The user id of the last user who edited or created a card in the space |
isFromTweet |
Boolean |
Whether the space was created by replying to a tweet with @kinopioclub save |
isHidden |
Boolean |
Whether the space is hidden by the current user |
isFavorite |
Boolean |
Whether the space is favorited by the current user |
isRemoved |
Boolean |
Whether the space has been soft-removed. (can then be restored or permanently removed) |
isRestrictedByModerator |
Boolean |
Whether the space has been marked as restricted. Restricted spaces are not shown in Explore, Live, or in the Everyone feed. This value cannot be patched, it is set manually by a moderator only when necessary. |
isTemplate |
Boolean |
Whether the space is a personal template |
moonPhase |
String |
Name of the moonPhase icon representing when the space was created. Possible values are new-moon , waxing-crescent , waxing-quarter , waxing-gibbous , full-moon , waning-gibbous , waning-quarter , waning-crescent |
name |
String |
The name of the space |
ownerUserId |
String |
The userId of the user who created the space. Used to create url slugs |
originSpaceId |
String |
If the space was created by duplicating another space, the origin space id is recorded |
privacy |
String |
Can be open , closed , private |
removedByUserId |
String |
The user who soft-removed the space. All space users can restore it via the API, but only the user who removed it will see it listed |
previewImage |
String |
URL for the large-sized preview jpg image associated with the space |
previewThumbnailImage |
String |
URL for the thumbnail-sized preview jpg image associated with the space |
url |
String |
The url of a space is determined by its name and id . For example, kinopio.club/:space-name-:id |
users |
Array |
The user who created/owns the space (a space will always have only one user) |
showInExplore |
Boolean |
Whether the space is shown in explore |
tags |
Array |
A list of Tags |
group |
Information on the group that a space belongs to (if any), including public metadata on the other group users |
groupId |
String |
The group id that the space belongs to. A space can only belong to one group. |
addedTogroupByUserId |
String |
The user who added the space to the group |
updatedAt |
String |
The date when any changes in the space were made including a member visiting it |
visits |
Integer |
The number of times the space has been loaded by a person |
readOnlyKey |
String |
Similar to collaboratorKey but only allows users and non-signed-in users to read a private space |
Cards are the building blocks of Spaces. They have x
, y
, and z
positions and a name
Cards Routes
Routes with Auth canEditSpace
requires that your Authorization apiKey belongs to a user with the permission to edit the space that the card belongs to.
Method | Path | Description | Auth |
/card/:cardId |
Get info on a card | canViewSpace |
/card/multiple?cardIds=cardId1,cardId2 |
Get info on multiple cards, up to 60 cardIds at a time | canViewSpace |
/card/by-tag-name/:tagName |
Get all cards with tag matching tagName in your Spaces | apiKey |
/card/by-link-to-space/:spaceId |
Get the cards and Spaces where linkToSpaceId is spaceId . Will only return spaces that the user can view |
apiKey and canViewSpace |
/card/search |
Get all cards that match a query. Body object must contain query . Only matches cards created by the user. Does not return removed cards, or cards from removed spaces. Searches are not case-insensitive |
apiKey |
/card |
Create card from object in request body. Body object must contain spaceId and name . If not included, x , y , z will be positioned near the top left of the space, in a cascade pattern to prevent overlaps |
canEditSpace |
/card/to-inbox |
Create card saved to the user's Inbox space from object in request body and . Body object must contain name . Will return 404 if the user does not already have an Inbox space. Positioning works just like POST /card |
canEditSpace |
/card/multiple |
Creates multiple cards from an array of objects in request body. Works just like POST /card |
canEditSpace |
/card |
Update card from object in request body. Body object must contain id . spaceId cannot be patched |
canEditSpace |
/card/multiple |
Updates multiple cards from an array of objects in request body. Works just like PATCH /card |
canEditSpace |
/card/update-counter |
Increment or decrement a card counter for voting. Body object must contain cardId , and either shouldIncrement: true or shouldDecrement: true |
None |
/card/restore |
Restore removed card specified in body | canEditSpace |
/card |
Remove card specified in body | canEditSpace |
/card/permanent |
Permanently remove card specified in body | canEditSpace |
Card Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id |
String |
The unique ID of the card. Is not user updateable |
backgroundColor |
String |
The background color for the card |
createdAt |
String |
The date when the card was created |
codeBlockLanguage |
String |
Code language syntax highlighting to use for markdown ``` code blocks |
counterIsVisible |
Boolean |
Whether the card counter for voting is visible |
counterValue |
Integer |
The incremented number of the card counter. Default value is 0 |
frameId |
String |
The id of type of frame applied to the card, if any |
headerFontId |
Integer |
An id representing the card's header font. Default value is 0 for Recoletta |
headerFontSize |
String |
The header font size of the card. Can be either s (small-size, default), m (medium-size), or l (large-size) |
height |
String |
The reference height of the card. Used to generate space preview images |
isCreatedThroughPublicApi |
Boolean |
Whether the card was created through the public API. Cards that created through POST /card/ will automatically receive this attribute |
isComment |
Boolean |
Whether the card is a comment (an alternative to the ((comment)) name syntax) |
isLocked |
Boolean |
Whether the card is locked and cannot be selected or edited in the client unless unlocked |
isRemoved |
Boolean |
Whether the card has been soft-removed. (Can be restored or permanently removed by space users) |
linkToSpaceId |
String |
The spaceId linked to in the card name |
linkToCardId |
String |
The cardId linked to in the card name. A card link will always also include linkToSpaceId (but not vice versa) |
linkToSpaceCollaboratorKey |
String |
The collaboratorKey used to invite someone to the space specified in linkToSpaceId . Indicates the the space has a space invite link |
maxWidth |
Boolean |
Sets the default maximum width before cards text starts wrapping |
name |
String |
The name of the card is its main text. Limited to 2000 characters |
nameUpdatedAt |
String |
The date when the card name was last updated |
nameUpdatedByUserId |
String |
The user id that last updated the name of the card |
resizeWidth |
Integer |
The width of a card that's been manually resized by the user |
shouldHideUrlPreviewImage |
Boolean |
Whether the card will display it's url preview image |
shouldHideUrlPreviewInfo |
Boolean |
Whether the card will display it's url preview title and description |
shouldUpdateUrlPreview |
Boolean |
Whether the card should be checked for a url preview the next time it's space is loaded in the kinopio-client app. This attribute is automatically assigned to cards created by /card POSTs |
spaceId |
String |
The space that the card belongs to |
tilt |
Integer |
The amount a card is rotated in degrees. Default value is 0 |
updatedAt |
String |
The date when any changes in the card was made, including to it's position. Use nameUpdatedAt instead to see when the card name was changed |
urlPreviewDescription |
String |
The description displayed in the line of the url preview. Because most sites stuff their description tags with SEO gibberish, descriptions are only displayed for whitelisted domains. Contact support to add a domain to the whitelist. |
urlPreviewErrorUrl |
String |
The last url that the preview failed on (could be a private or broken url). If this matches urlPreviewUrl , the url preview won't be created |
urlPreviewFavicon |
String |
The url for the url preview favicon image |
urlPreviewImage |
String |
The url for the url preview image |
urlPreviewIsVisible |
Boolean |
Whether the card will display a url preview (aka link unfurl) |
urlPreviewTitle |
String |
The title displayed in the url preview |
urlPreviewUrl |
String |
The url that the card url preview is based on |
urlPreviewEmbedHtml |
String |
DEPRECATED html embed code returned by iframely. Used to display url previews when available (like youtube videos). Html containing <script> tags is run inside an iframe. |
urlPreviewIframeUrl |
String |
Iframe url returned by iframely. Used to display url previews when available (like youtube videos). Cannot be patched. |
width |
String |
The reference width of the card. Used to generate space preview images |
x |
Integer |
The x-axis position |
y |
Integer |
The y-axis position |
z |
Integer |
The z-axis position |
Connections are the lines that connect cards together. Connections have a connection-type
which assigns them a color and allows the user to thematically group cards together by connected type.
Connection Routes
Routes with Auth canEditSpace
requires that your Authorization apiKey belongs to a user with the permission to edit the space that the connection belongs to.
Method | Path | Description | Auth |
/connection/ |
Get info on a connection | None |
/connection |
Create connection(s) from object in request body. Object must contain spaceId , connectionTypeId |
canEditSpace |
/connection |
Update connection(s) from object in request body. spaceId cannot be patched. |
canEditSpace |
/connection |
Permenently remove connection(s) speced in req body | canEditSpace |
Connection Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id |
String |
The unique ID of the connection. Is not user updateable |
connectionTypeId |
String |
The connection-type that the connection belongs to |
controlPoint |
String |
Custom control point for a connection path curve. q00,00 makes a straight line |
createdAt |
String |
The date when the connection was created |
directionIsVisible |
Boolean |
The connection has a directional arrow, in the direction of start card to end card |
endItemId |
String |
The card or box that the connection line ends at |
labelIsVisible |
Boolean |
The connection has a connection type label |
labelRelativePositionX |
Float |
Label's horizontal position relative to the DOM box of it's parent connection. Is between 0 (max left) and 1 (max right). Default is 0.5 (middle) |
labelRelativePositionY |
Float |
Label's vertical position relative to the DOM box of it's parent connection. Is between 0 (max top) and 1 (max bottom). Default is 0.5 (middle) |
path |
String |
SVG path that defines the connection line and its curve, e.g. 'm524,138 q90,40 49,123' is a quadratic bezier curve made up of origin XY, control point XY, and end XY points. |
spaceId |
String |
The space that the connection belongs to |
startItemId |
String |
The card or box that the connection line starts from |
updatedAt |
String |
The date when any changes to the connection were made |
Connection Types
Connection Types group Connections together to allow the attributes of multiple connection lines to be represented and edited together.
Connection Type Routes
Routes with Auth canEditSpace
requires that your Authorization apiKey belongs to a user with the permission to edit the space that the connection type belongs to.
Method | Path | Description | Auth |
/connection-type/:connectionTypeId |
Get info on a connectionType | None |
/connection-type |
Create connectionType(s) from object (or array) in request body. Object must contain spaceId |
canEditSpace |
/connection-type |
Update connectionType(s) from object in request body. spaceId cannot be patched. |
canEditSpace |
/connection-type |
Permenently remove connectionType | canEditSpace |
Connection Type Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id |
String |
The unique ID of the connection. Is not user updateable |
color |
String |
User color changes your paint stroke and default avatar color |
createdAt |
String |
The date when the connection type was created |
name |
String |
The name of the connection-type |
spaceId |
String |
The space that the connection-type belongs to |
updatedAt |
String |
The date when any changes were made to the connection type |
Boxes are items used by users to contain or organize cards in a space. They can be named, colored, and positioned
Box Routes
Routes with Auth canEditSpace
requires that your Authorization apiKey belongs to a user with the permission to edit the space that the connection type belongs to.
Method | Path | Description | Auth |
/box/:boxId |
Get info on a box | None |
/box |
Create a box from object in request body. Object must contain spaceId |
canEditSpace |
/box |
Update box from object in request body | canEditSpace |
/box |
Permenently remove box | canEditSpace |
Box Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id |
String |
The unique ID of the connection. Is not user updateable |
background |
String |
The image url used by the box background |
backgroundIsStretch |
Boolean |
Whether the box background image is stretched (default is false , to display images tiled) |
color |
String |
The color of the box |
createdAt |
String |
The date when the box was created |
headerFontId |
Integer |
An id representing the header font of the box. Default value is 0 for Recoletta. Similar to card.headerFontId |
headerFontSize |
String |
The header font size of the box. Can be either s (small-size, default), m (medium-size), or l (large-size). Similar to card.headerFontSize |
infoHeight |
String |
The reference height of the box info area. Used to generate space preview images |
infoWidth |
String |
The reference width of the box info area. Used to generate space preview images |
isLocked |
Boolean |
Whether the box is locked and cannot be selected or edited in the client unless unlocked |
fill |
String |
The fill type for the box. Possible values are filled , empty |
name |
String |
The name of the box |
resizeHeight |
String |
The height of the box |
resizeWidth |
String |
The width of the box |
spaceId |
String |
The space that the box belongs to |
userId |
String |
The user that created the box |
updatedAt |
String |
The date when any changes were made to the box |
x |
Integer |
The x-axis position of the box origin (top-left point) |
y |
Integer |
The y-axis position of the box origin |
Each tag you add to a card is considered a seperate entity. So if you have two cards which both have the tag [[balloon]], this is two tag entities both named 'balloon', with different cardIds.
Tags Routes
Routes with Auth canEditSpace
requires that your Authorization apiKey belongs to a user with the permission to edit the space that the connection type belongs to.
Method | Path | Description | Auth |
/tags/:tagName |
Get all tags with tagName in your Spaces | apiKey |
/tags/by-card/:cardId |
Get all tags in a Cards | apiKey |
/tags/color |
Change the color of all tags with the name specified in request body. Object must contain name , color |
apiKey |
Tags Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id |
String |
The unique ID of the tag. Is not user updateable |
cardId |
String |
The card that the tag belongs to |
color |
String |
Tag color, displayed on a card |
createdAt |
String |
The date when the tag was created |
name |
String |
The name of the tag |
spaceId |
String |
The space that the tag belongs to |
updatedAt |
String |
The date when any changes were made to the tag |
userId |
String |
The user who created the tag |
Notifications are created when another user adds a card in a space that you're a member and not currently viewing. The notifying user can be either a space collaborator, or anyone viewing an open space.
Notifications Routes
Routes with Auth as apiKey
mean that the Authorization header apiKey must match the requested user.
Method | Path | Description | Auth |
/notifications |
Get the last 50 notifications for the current user | apiKey |
Notifications Attributes
Name | Type | Description |
id |
String |
The unique ID of the notification. Is not user updateable |
card |
Object |
Basic information about the Card id , name |
cardId |
String |
The card that the notification involves |
createdAt |
String |
The date when the notification was created |
isEmailed |
Boolean |
Has the notification been emailed to the recipient. Emails are only sent if user.shouldEmailNotifications = true |
isRead |
Boolean |
Has the notification been read by the recipient in Kinopio |
recipientUserId |
String |
The user that'll receive the notification |
space |
Object |
Basic information about the Space id , name , privacy , background |
spaceId |
String |
The space that the notification involves |
type |
String |
The action that created the notification (e.g. addCard ) |
user |
Object |
Basic information about the User id , name , color |
userId |
String |
The user that created the notification |
updatedAt |
String |
The date when any changes were made to the notification |
Other routes used by the kinopio-client app, which you can also use in your integrations
other Routes
Method | Path | Description | Auth |
/services/community-backgrounds |
Lists the space background images aded to the are.na channel | None |
/meta/date |
Current time/timezone of kinopio-server | None |
/meta/changelog |
Lists recent Kinopio new feature updates | None |
/meta/emojis |
List of unicode emojis for the emoji picker | None |